Sunday, March 29, 2015


         The rez is an obstacle in Junior's path in life. The rez was Junior's biggest obstacle in reaching his full potential. Mr. P warned Junior of the dangers of staying in the rez. It will kill him, maybe literally, but maybe figuratively the rez will destroy everything he ever worked for. Many people can relate to the rez in their lives. Maybe it's a physical obstacle or even a mental obstacle. Take my life for example, I have not been able to achieve my full potential in life because my work ethic is horrible. That is my obstacle. My rez. It is holding me back from reaching my maximum potential when we talk about maybe school or even sports or music.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Native Son Blog

Bigger is jailed for the rape and murder of Mary Dalton. Bigger was offered a lawyer named Max, in return Bigger would join the communist party and help the Communist party gain popularity. Bigger confessed to Mary Dalton's murder, so all Max could do was explain to the public was why Bigger committed such a crime. Max tries to explain Bigger's situation of growing up in poverty. His fear for whites. How oppressive they were. Max tries to buy Bigger more time so he could fight his case. In the end, Bigger is sentenced to death. He will be executed.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Green Lights, Yellow Cars, and Church Steeples

I thought the Green Light was like money. That was Gatsby's goal. It was to make money to rise to that class Daisy is in. The Green Light is "far away" meaning Gatsby's chances for error are very slim and had to work harder than ever to make it to the level he is at now. The Yellow Car I took as showing off his money. He tried to be flashy. I do not really understand why he did so, maybe to lure Daisy in and to try to get her attention I guess. The Church steeples come from Immanuel Kant whom developed his theories of morality and reality while looking at a church steeple. Nick considers the people around just like Kant considered and contemplated morality and reality like Nick did as he watched drama unfold.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


She's a special one. I feel personally her view on love is extremely inaccurate and she is also too quick to jump to the decision that she is in love. Her relationship with Jody all erupted because of a brief meeting of the two and she made a stupid decision to leave with him. I don't understand how you can fall in love with someone in a matter of hours or minutes. Maybe she believes in love at first sight, but love is so much more than looks. Love exists on emotional levels and for Janie to claim she is in love after a few minutes is absurd to me.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankful for....

In my Englissh class, I'm thankful for my good homie Max. He's been A1 since day one when we first met in 8th grade. He's really mean to me but its all good cause I'm still better than him at dancing. I am also thankful for fellow student Ellaina cause she's pretty chill and because she let me camp at her house when I was locked out of my house. I also like Brandon cause every Friday when I'm busy at Breaks club with Max, he got the hookup of Peach Fanta and candy. I love you the most Brandon cause you get me soda. Max never got me anything.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Principles that Should Stay Put

Preservation of culture is something I believe is a must in society. Me personally, I was shaped by my Chinese culture and hip hop culture. As people progress on in their lives, they forget their culture in the process. Now moving forward in life and society is a great thing, we accomplish so much and are not limited, instead, we have the whole horizon to explore. But we lose a sense of where we all come from. Me, as I grew older, I started to lose sight of my roots. I started speaking less Chinese, I didn't take on my culture proudly, I started to actually talk a lot of trash about my roots. And there was the moment in my teenage life where I realized how important preserving my culture was.

For me, culture is what makes a person unique. How I was raised is different than that of other people. If everyone went one way and everyone threw away their culture and how they were raised, how would the world be? Cities like New York and Chicago are the last frontiers for culture. Cities are more diverse than any other parts of the world. Hanging on to culture is a privilege because that makes you unique. I look at the suburbs, people are trying to throw away their cultures. No disrespect but I can't imagine living somewhere where there is no cultural diversity and that mindset to preserve your roots.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


Me personally, I feel like Hemingway was in a way a genius in the way he wrote his literature, but in sense, a lost prodigy. It's confusing, but he was an astounding author, but he did things that made me skeptical of his literary genius. He seemed very strange to me in a lot of ways. For one, he had a lot of wives. Way too many to be honest. Hemingway was very unique in a sense as well, I guess that's what contributing to this idea to me of him being strange. He was unique and interesting. He had a lot of hobbies, he lived in many parts of the world, other than writing, he hunted and fished. 

Hemingway is a genius in my eyes because of his work. I respect his work, but some of his personal decisions really intrigue me. He seems like a fun guy, but he also in a sense seems mental as well. To me, at least. Hemingway reminds me of a really urban hipster just because he's so unique and is very different than other people in a good way. He did things his way, he has an original style. I respect that.