Saturday, October 25, 2014


Me personally, I feel like Hemingway was in a way a genius in the way he wrote his literature, but in sense, a lost prodigy. It's confusing, but he was an astounding author, but he did things that made me skeptical of his literary genius. He seemed very strange to me in a lot of ways. For one, he had a lot of wives. Way too many to be honest. Hemingway was very unique in a sense as well, I guess that's what contributing to this idea to me of him being strange. He was unique and interesting. He had a lot of hobbies, he lived in many parts of the world, other than writing, he hunted and fished. 

Hemingway is a genius in my eyes because of his work. I respect his work, but some of his personal decisions really intrigue me. He seems like a fun guy, but he also in a sense seems mental as well. To me, at least. Hemingway reminds me of a really urban hipster just because he's so unique and is very different than other people in a good way. He did things his way, he has an original style. I respect that.

1 comment:

  1. Very respectful. I agree with you that even though he was as prodigy as a writer but his mental state was not good.
