Saturday, September 13, 2014

....And There Goes the Neighborhood

It was a sunny day that day, we were doing our daily rituals, hunting, farming, all that. Later that day, my father came across a group of men, a group of men I had never seen before. They were pale skinned, tall, skinny folk. They were not from around, I could tell. Their clothes were too exotic too recognize. They seem to be settling nearby us. Right outside our hut.

It has been a month, more than 400 people of their kind has moved into the area. They have chopped down a portion of our forest surrounding us. They have made housing with those materials. They seem friendly, but seem to take advantage of our people.

Its been a year, they outnumber us now. They mock our people, they have taken over. We do not stand a chance. They're big and strong. They murdered a few of our people, a few of us has gotten sick in contact with these people. They are trying to convert us to their religion. I am scared and I fear for my life because of these people.  They do not respect the land around us, they take advantage of us and chop down our forest. Our holy sacred forest.


  1. Nice first person view. I like the vocabulary choice, it really brings out the realistic opinions on the settlers.

  2. You write from a reasonable point of view, as a Native American who has just encountered the Westerners. It would have been nice if you elaborated more on the ideas of the feelings and actions of the natives that you mentioned in your post.
